The purpose of Leadership Northern Poconos is to educate a group of potential leaders residing or employed in Wayne or Pike Counties about all aspects of the community. Their education will allow them to gain a better, more in-depth knowledge of the community and thereby become better prepared to be our future leaders.
As a result of Leadership Northern Poconos, the area will have access to a well-educated group of individuals that is capable of providing leadership to the community and the many volunteer organizations that operate within it. These individuals will have a better understanding of the community’s strengths and weaknesses. They will have experienced teamwork by choosing, developing and completing a project during the ten to twelve month period of the program.
Our goal is to develop the future leaders of the area.
It is a one-year program that will entail spending one full day each month learning about such topics as an Overview of the County, Economic Development, County and Local Government, Criminal Justice, Health Care, Human and Social Services, Culture and Community, and all topics that are important to Wayne and Pike Counties. Classes are instructed by persons experienced in the preceding fields.
Graduate | Company
Anna Allen | The Dime Bank
Margaret Allen | Bold Gold Media
Karen Aughe | Southern Wayne Regional Chamber
Eric Avery | The Dime Bank
Michele Baehr | American Red Cross
Matthew Barrett | Western Wayne School District
Derek Bellinger | NBT Bank
Tiffany Bennett | Pennstar Bank
D. Jean Birmelin | The Dime Bank
Elizabeth Blose | Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau
Lisa Borthwick | Wayne County
George Brown | Highlights For Children
Kate Bryant | Honesdale National Bank
Michelle Budzilowicz| Highlights For Children
Gerard Burns, Jr. | Wayne Highlands School District
Donna Burrowes | Wayne County
Jill Carletti | AM Skier Agency
John Carmody | Wayne Bank
Tanya Carrelle | Western Wayne School District
Lisa Champeau | Wayne Memorial Hospital
Peter Chapla | Western Wayne School District
Lacey Churmblo | Honesdale National Bank
Mary Carol Cicco | The Dime Bank
Dino Ciliberti | The Wayne Independent
Steve Clark | Aqua Pennsylvania
Carolyn Copp | Wayne Memorial Health System
Jocelyn Cramer | S.E.E.D.S.
Jennifer Cruciani | The Dime Bank
Alice Cummiskey | Wayne County Library
Amanda Cykosky |Wallenpaupack Area School District
Colleen Danelski | Linde Corporation
Cheryl Davies | Wayne County
Janette Davis | The Dime Bank
Maurice Dennis | Wayne Bank
Nancy DeYoung | Wayne County Chamber of Commerce
Patricia Dunsinger | Wayne Memorial
Cheryl Duquette | Workforce Wayne
Tamlyn Ebert | Wayne Highlands School District
Stephen Ehrhardt | The Dime Bank
Courtney Eichensehr | Woodloch
Chrissy Elliott | A.M. Skier Agency
Brendan Ellis | Meagher Law
Kim Erickson | Wayne Memorial
Carleen Faatz | Wayne County Human Services
Steve Fountain | The Wayne Independent
Ryan French | Wayne Bank
Stephanie French | Wayne County Human Services
Sarah Fritz | The Dime Bank
Stephen Fritz | Honesdale National Bank
Brian Fulp | Himalayan Institute
James Gardas | The Dime Bank
Melanie Giehringer |The Dime Bank
Debbie Gillette | Wayne County Chamber of Commerce
David Good | M3 Internet Marketing
Amy Griffith | The Weekly Almanac
Emily Grillo | The River Reporter
Tara Gross | Wayne County Office of Human Services
Frances Gruber | Attorney
Katheryne Hait | Wayne Pike Workforce Alliance
Cynthia Hall | Wayne County Human Services
Jeralyn Hancock | The Chamber of the Northern Poconos
Maureen Harding | Wayne Memorial Hospital
Tammy Hardler | Honesdale National Bank
Laurie Harrington | Honesdale National Bank
Ray Hebden | Wayne Bank
Terri Henderson | Wayne Memorial Hospital
Chase Holl | The Dime Bank
Keriann Horan | Wallenpaupack Area School District
Mark James | Teeter’s Funeral Chapel
Thomas Jenkins | Bobcat of Wayne County
Ryanne Jennings | The Cooperage Project
J. Michael Johnson | Top Notch Distributors
James Kaufman | Wayne Highlands School District
Pamela Kerber | The Dime Bank
Amanda Kerna | Wayne Highlands School District
Marlyn Kissner | Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau
Lorraine Kloss | Wallenpaupack Area School District
Carol Kneier | Wayne Memorial Hospital
Simon Knox | Downtown Hawley Partnership
John Kretschmer | Wayne Higlands School District
Julie Kuen | Wayne Bank
Kelly Kyzer | Wayne County
Donna LaBar | Wayne County Chamber of Commerce
Melissa Latsch | Woodloch
Anna Layman Knox | Hawley United Methodist Church
Mary Denise Malloy | Wayne Woodlands Manor
Kimberly Marcyoniak | Wayne County Children & Youth
Irene Marks | Lake Region IGA
Janice McConnell | Wayne Memorial CHC
Stacey McConnell | Wayne County
Rory McGhie | The Dime Bank
Paul Meagher, Jr. | Meagher Insurance
Matthew Meagher | Meagher Law, Inc.
Tim Meagher | Re/Max Wayne
Walter “Skip” Mendler
Kim Michalek | Wayne Bank
Daniel Miller | deWitt Media
Fawn Miller | V.I.P.
Scott Miller | Wayne Highlands School District
Kelly Monahan | Wayne County Library
Linda Moran | Wayne Bank
Joelee Motichka | Rent-E-Vent
Stephen Moulton | Himalayan Institute
Jack Mundy | SEM Hospitality
Wynter Newman | Wayne Memorial CHC
Jennifer Noble | Wayne County Domestic Relations
Kellyn Nolan | Lackawanna College
Sarah O’Hora | The Honesdale National Bank
Mary Ann Olver | Cove Haven Entertainment Resort
Bill O’Neill | Re/Max Wayne
Delia Peppiatt | Wallenpaupack Area School District
Julia Perry | Cove Haven Entertainment Resort
Mindy Petriello | WEDCO
Christopher Pietraszewski | Wayne Highlands School District
Anne Priebe | Connections Magazine
James Ratliff | Honesdale National Bank
Craig Rickard | Wayne County Planning
Kim Rickard | Wayne Tomorrow
Jeffrey Roche | The Dime Bank
April Rogers | Complete Health Dentistry
Tiffany Rogers | The Settlers Inn
Michael Rollison | Honesdale National Bank
Bonnie Rutledge | Wayne Bank
Janet Salkoskas | The Dime Bank
Diane Scarfalloto | Western Wayne School District
Elizabeth Schloesser | State Representative Birmelin
Teresa Schott | Beck, Gogolski, Poska & Co.
Tracy Schwartz | Wayne County Public Library
Dana Scott | Trust Mortgage
Cathleen Shea
Nancy Simon | Wallenpaupack Area School District
Hillary Smith | Wayne County Chamber of Commerce
Megan Spaulding | Grimm Construction
Nicholas Spinelli | Lake Wallenpaupack Watershed Management District
R. Jay Starnes | Western Wayne School District
Colleen Steelman | Davis R. Chant Realtors
Marcy Swingle | Honesdale National Bank
Diane Szader | Wallenpaupack Area School District
Lisa Tait | Wallenpaupack Area School District
Gail Tucker | Greater Honesdale Partnership
Luke Turano | Turano Insurance
Betsy Turner | Wayne County 911 Center
Michelle Urban | The Dime Bank
Tanyia Vannatta | Wayne Bank
Kelly Waters | The Wayne Independent
Jeremy Watson | Re/Max Wayne
Brandie Weist | Wayne County Chamber of Commerce
Orley Mae White | North East Search Services
Wayne Wilcha | Wayne Bank
Brian Wilken | deWitt Media
Derek Williams | Wayne County Planning
Jim Williams | JW Consulting
Keith Williams | Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau
Michelle Williams | The Dime Bank
Ryan Williams | Wayne County
Jane Woodward | A.M. Skier Agency